Things to consider when creating an office space at home

Things to consider when creating an office space at home

With many entrepreneurs starting a company from their bedroom (such as the famous Sir Richard Branson) and many working from home thanks to the lockdown. We here at City Virtual Hub thought some might benefit from advice on how to create an Office Space at home.

Quiet Place

Find a spot in your home. This could be anywhere in the house, your bedroom, or a spare area in the house. Any place where distraction is low. If you are living with people, we think a sign or a way to let them know when you don’t want to be disturbed is a good idea. A do not disturb sign or even having a tie outside of a door can do the job. This is important when doing business calls. We have all seen the viral video where the kids or pets interrupt video calls.


If you have the budget try investing in a good chair and desk. Most people work for 8 hours or more, so it’s important to be comfortable. When buying furniture, think of how much space is available for the furniture itself. Follow ergonomics rules, the chair has to be at the right height so you are looking at the screen and not up or down, and your head is at least 20-30 inch from the screen. Your feet are resting on the ground and your arms are straight and resting on the keyboard so it’s not a struggle to reach, and is comfy.


Look for a chair that gives good support for the back, legs and arms. Think of what material you like. Real Leather is great but it’s also expensive. Synthetic leather is cheap but it can also degrade over time.


If you are going to buy a good desk, we recommend you consider the following factors. The desk should have enough surface space to fit your desktop/laptop, keyboard screen and mouse, is the desk too high or too low, is it adjustable? Does the desk have storage space? Does it feel good to work at? Sounds simple, but it makes a difference.

Mouse and Keyboard

A good mouse and keyboard can go a long way to help with productivity.

Things to consider when buying a keyboard; what kind of work are you doing? Do you need to do a lot of typing? If so go for an ergonomic keyboard. These are designed so your hands sit perfectly well and reduce strain. Do you need to do lots of number crunching; then look for a keyboard with numerical keys. If you have a special job and need to use special software, look for a keyboard that has extra functions with special keys for apps. Some keyboards even have a touchpad or other accessories to replace the mouse.

Gaming mice are really comfortable and accurate but they are also very pricey. Look for something that can fit your hand and is easy to click. Try to avoid the travel mice which are small and are not comfortable in the long run.

Desk Tidy and Storage

Do consider investing in a Desk Tidy or a small filing cabinet, it will help with keeping things organised and keep things in order. A Tidy and neat place can have a big boost to your mental wellbeing. It also makes things easy to find.

And with all that taken care of, don’t forget to get a good Virtual Office Address for your business. Our virtual office in London is perfect for home based businesses looking for a professional outward presence for clients and credibility.

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